Did you Know?

The mineral magnesium has over 300 functions in our human body: peristalsis in our intestines, relaxation of the heart muscle, dilation of the arteries, manufacture of energy and assisting in calcium absorption are just a few!

September 25, 2013

9:30am – Taught Yoga Class
10:30am – Komplete Meal Replacement shake
12:30pm – In Bar – These are actually a really filling bar!
2:30pm- Left Over Organic beef roast & veggies
4:15pm – Taught yoga class
6pm (starving, but have to teach a class, I definitely should have had a little more at lunch) Protein shake: Vegan Ultra Lean pea protein with coconut milk, strawberries, greens and stevia.
6:30-8pm – Taught cycle and a 30 minute Team workout
9pm – I was going to finish off the crockpot meal, but my fabulous Mother in Law brought me Gluten Free pasta with turkey meatballs so I ate two meatballs and about 2/3 cup pasta with red sauce.  I also had two radishes and left over pice de gallo with avocado.

Midnight – Woke up with heartburn ( this is unusual for me, I think It’s because I took my vitamins right before I went to bed and they didn’t make it all the way to my stomach!)  I got up and had two pieces of Canyon Bake House gluten free toast with coconut oil.